Remote Meetings

What Is the Use of Remote Meetings In the Post Pandemic World?

In this post, we’ll explore the benefits of remote meetings and the importance of team meetings, especially in context with the post pandemic world.

As many of us are acutely aware, the business world has experienced major changes in recent years. Due to the coronavirus pandemic that impacted everyone beginning in March 2020, many companies and corporations have shifted to more remote-based work. Even as corporations make the push to return to the office, the popularity of remote work appears to be here to stay.

With the many benefits of remote-based work such as less travel, increased accessibility, and employee flexibility, many workers have grown to prefer working remotely. Even in a post-pandemic world, we don’t expect remote-based work to decrease.

So, what is the use of remote meetings in the post-pandemic world? As mentioned above, remote work and meetings offer many benefits that employees and employers alike prefer to traditional, in-person meetings. That said, remote meetings come with limitations as well. In this post, we’ll explore the benefits of remote meetings, the importance of team meetings, and more.

Limitations of Remote Meetings


While remote meetings offer many great benefits, they also come with some limitations that must be considered.

Technical Difficulties

One of the more frustrating limitations of remote meetings is technical difficulties. We all know that technology fails us on occasion and technical difficulties can cause many issues within a remote meeting. The types of difficulties that can arise include audio, video, content, and internet issues, and they can lead to delays and cancellations.

Hard to Organize

Another limitation of remote meetings is that they can be difficult to organize. In some instances, not all participants will have the required technology needed to join and engage within a remote meeting. Lack of physical connection can also make organizing remote meetings difficult. This is why it’s so important to use a quality software like Taggg to schedule your meetings. Taggg makes it easy to see when your team members, clients, vendors and other contacts are free so you can effortlessly schedule one-to-one or one-to-many remote meetings.

Lack of Personal Touch

The third and final limitation of remote meetings we want to discuss is lack of personal touch. In in-person meetings, participants experience a physical closeness and connection that can be lacking in remote meetings. Luckily, there are ways to increase the engagement during a remote meeting and those tips can be found here (insert link to engagement article 4).

These limitations can make remote meetings more difficult, but with proper preparation and good methods, they can be overcomed. While preparing for a remote meeting, ensure that all technology has been updated and troubleshooted and that all participants have been properly notified of the meeting. Follow our tips for remote participation engagement and you’ll have a successful and productive meeting on your hands!

Benefits of Remote Meetings


Now that we have limitations out of the way, let’s discuss the many benefits of remote meetings.

Saves Commute Time

One of the biggest benefits of remote meetings is that participants don’t have to travel to attend. In the remote world, the days of excessive business travel are long gone. Many employees and employers have previously spent entire work days, or multiple days at a time, traveling for in-person business meetings. Extended travel time takes time away from work and can decrease productivity. In remote meetings, however, employers and employees can attend from the comfort of their home work space.

Saves Commute Cost

Many corporations and companies spend a large amount of money covering business travel expenses such as airway travel, lodging, and food. These travel expenses definitely add up over time and cost businesses and corporations very large amounts of money to cover. By removing the need for travel, they are saving lots of money. This also saves employee money by removing the need for travel. Although employers typically cover travel costs, many employees still spend money while traveling for business.

Participant Comfortability

Remote meetings allow participants to join from the comfort of their own homes or work spaces. This freedom allows participants to structure their days in ways that can be more productive and convenient for them. By taking away the time and money spent on traveling to an in-person meeting, participants have the ability to join their meeting from wherever they are located. This can be incredibly beneficial for participants who are traveling or have other responsibilities. Instead of having to commute for any given amount of time, participants can simply log on and join from their current location.

Saves on Office Costs

In in-person meetings, an office space is required. Office spaces cost money to own or lease, as well as keeping up with the structure of the building. Not only do businesses and corporations have to pay to keep an office space open and functioning, they also have to spend money on other office related items. Many offices are equipped with coffee machines, supplies for employees to use, and refreshments/snacks. These costs add up and eliminating an office space saves large amounts of money.

Back to our original question - what is the use of remote meetings? While they do have limitations, most people agree that even in a post pandemic world, the benefits outweigh the setbacks. Remote meetings are accessible, more comfortable for all parties involved, and save money and time. In fact, we expect to see the uprising of remote work to increase even more in the coming years due to their many benefits.

Will you be ready to meet the remote work demands? We can at least help with scheduling your remote meetings with our booking software Taggg. Click here and get started for free today!

The Complete Guide to Successful Remote Meetings

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