What up-levels a meeting to an unforgettable experience that brings teams together, finds solutions and drives your business forward? That’s what we’re here to determine.
1. Do this one thing before you even schedule the meeting to ensure maximum efficiency
Preparation is the key to successful remote meetings, and preparation starts with a prioritized, organized agenda. To create the agenda and increase meeting participant engagement, start by polling your meeting guests to find out what is Priority #1 in their minds, and explain that you’re using their input to organize the meeting agenda. This ensures everyone feels heard, and that they feel like they’ve had an active role in co-creating the meeting — which means they’ll be more likely to show up, pay attention and participate. You’ll also surface any issues that you may want to handle outside of the meeting, making your meeting that much more focused and efficient.
2. Don’t waste time on the “small stuff” like just getting people in the Zoom room
Get everyone’s schedules together in one simple app that automatically finds the availability overlaps so you can book meetings that work for everyone instantly. That’s why we created Taggg, to eliminate the back-and-forth, so you can spend less time scheduling, and more time planning the most efficient, effective, memorable meeting possible.
3. Start on a high note
Getting everyone’s energy up at the start of the meeting with a quick round-Robin of highlights from the week is a great way to begin a highly productive meeting (especially after lunch). But read the room, and if it’s been a frazzled week of barely-met deadlines and stress, take a different approach and try a 5-minute group meditation to help everyone focus. Setting the energy at the beginning of the meeting is just as important as setting expectations for what you’d like to achieve by the end of the meeting. Oh yeah, do that too.
4. Productivity-hack your meeting minutes
- Notion meeting template. Inturact has a free Notion template based on Traction' L10 meeting structure to run their meetings. This is what we use at Taggg too!
- Trello has a remote meeting template for more actionable, productive and accountable meetings.
- Asana has its own meeting agenda template.
- Google Docs even has meeting notes templates that are beautifully designed.
Of the three, we love Notion best because the flexibility and ongoing emphasis of keeping up with your tasks and moving those cards, getting it done, and staying accountable. But, find the tool that works best for you.
Speaking of minutes, try adding a Team Meeting Timer to keep your minutes on target.