Remote Meetings

5 Best Fun Ice Breakers for Remote Meetings

In this blog, we cover why ice breakers are needed for remote meetings and how to do them right, along with the top 5 ice breakers for remote meetings.

Ice breakers tend to get a bad reputation because they can often be for lack of a better word, a little lame. However, they are actually incredibly beneficial when it comes to team meetings, and yes, even remote ones. In a digital landscape filled with remote meetings, it’s not uncommon for team members to never meet in person. Because of this we have to find other ways to get members to feel comfortable with one another, and implementing good ice breakers is the way to do it.

Ice breakers, when done correctly, serve as an opportunity to allow members to get acquainted with one another, and ease anxious nerves. It’s difficult to focus on the meeting’s content when we’re feeling anxious, after all. They also help members feel more comfortable with one another, and enjoy the meeting more in general.

What is an Ice Breaker?

An ice breaker is an activity, game, or question designed to create a sense of welcoming and discussion for a group meeting. They help ensure that all members are participating, and have a chance to speak up and feel included. When remote team members don’t know one another, it’s not uncommon for them to feel frustrated or less likely to fully participate in the meeting or event. Ice breakers help team members to relax more creating a more open space for group discussion.

They’re meant to be fun and light-hearted to start things off on a good foot. There are many different types of ice breakers that exist and each have their own benefits. They can be used to get members ready for the meeting, to generate conversation and laughter, or perhaps simply to do an activity related to the content of the meeting itself.

Why are Ice Breakers Needed for Remote Meetings?

Ice breakers are already critical to meetings, but they are even more critical for remote one. While some people may think that remote meetings aren’t nerve-wracking because they’re handled from a computer or phone, they can still cause the same anxiety and awkward moments as those held in-person. In fact, some people are more anxious about remote meetings than in-person events simply because of the impersonal nature of an online event.

Remote meetings become even more uncomfortable when we haven’t met the other members. That’s where implementing an ice breaker can be so helpful! Meetings can be far more productive when the members present for the event feel comfortable and relaxed. They are also beneficial in setting the tone for the meeting.

group-breaking-ice3 Tips for Doing Ice Breakers Right 

Ice breakers done correctly are helpful, but if you don’t plan ahead, they can also disrupt the meeting or prevent it from ever getting off the ground. Here are three tips for doing them the right way:

Have a backup plan: Things don’t always go the way we want them to, and it’s important to have a back up plan to implement if your ice breaker doesn’t go how you wanted it to. For example, not everyone will have an answer or something to say to every question, so keep a back up (or two) on deck to use when needed.

Know when to move on: People don’t like to feel as if their time is being wasted, so it’s good practice to know when to move on from an ice breaker, and into the meeting itself. Setting a timer or limit on the ice breaker is a great way to ensure it doesn’t last too long. If members aren’t getting into the ice breaker or seem bored, that’s a clear sign it’s time to move on to the content of the meeting. 

Make it fun: Ice breakers are meant to be enjoyable activities to help members get to know one another and feel more comfortable. Therefore, when presenting the team with an ice breaker, it’s important to let yourself have fun with it while maintaining control. If you’re trying to present an ice breaker with an intense and stern tone, it may not go over well. Let yourself have fun and your members will surely follow. 

Top 5 Ice Breakers for Remote Meetings

icebreaker-gamesNow that we know what ice breakers are, why they’re important, and how to implement them correctly, let’s get into examples of the top five ice breakers for remote meetings. 

The view from my office: This one is great for remote meetings because members will be participating from different locations. Have members show their view from their live camera, show a photo, or even just describe what they are seeing. This is a fun and easy way to get members communicating and it allows them to get a sense of one another’s environment and surroundings. 

This or That: This one is great for when you don’t have a lot of time to implement an ice breaker. Simply name objects or activities and have each member pick an option and explain why. This allows members to get a better sense of one another in a light hearted way.

Two word check-in: This ice breaker is best used with members who have already virtually met and have developed a working relationship. A two word check-in allows members to share a little bit about how they’re feeling. This helps promote emotional intelligence and creates a sense of comfortability.

Common ground: People love to feel like they have something in common with one another. This ice breaker challenges members to find something they all have in common that isn’t related to work. This allows members to get to know one another and promotes closeness.

Two Truths and a Lie: You’ve probably heard of this one, and may have even played it at a party with friends. This ice breaker is great for getting to know one another and it allows the members to have fun and share facts and stories about themselves.

Ready to host your next remote team meeting and try some of these ice breakers for yourself? Taggg makes it easy to host and manage remote meetings. Get started for free, today!


The Complete Guide to Successful Remote Meetings

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